Individual achievement of postsecondary credentials leading
to success in career and life
Collective Impact
Improve student outcomes
from cradle to career
Economic prosperity and
improved quality of life
Did you know that the single greatest indicator of economic prosperity and quality of life
is the percentage of the population with a post-secondary credential or degree?

In Smith County, too few high school graduates are truly prepared for college or enroll in college after high school. In addition, not enough industry certifications or college degrees are being earned to ensure that all students are workforce ready and prepared for a successful future.
Today, 35 percent of Smith County residents possess an associate degree or higher. Yet, according to the Georgetown Center on Education and the Workforce, 65 percent of U.S. jobs will require some form of postsecondary education by 2020. While the percentage of attainment is slowing increasing nationwide, the progress is not rapid enough to ensure that the U.S. remains globally competitive.
​To increase the percentage of Smith County residents possessing post-secondary credentials by 2025, the Tyler Area Partnership 4 Education was established to oversee a unified, cross-sector initiative to improve educational progress in our region. Representatives from Smith County public school districts, public and private higher education institutions, the business and faith-based communities, municipalities, philanthropic organizations and non-profits have come together to implement collective strategies for a greater tomorrow.